Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my rats a little complicated please help me before i get rid of a pet i really wanna keep

my rats a little complicated please help me before i get rid of a pet i really wanna keep

21 17:28:26

i heard rats from pet stores are normally inbred is there a way u can tell by the color and markings? mines blueish gray with a big white heart on his chest. anyway hes afraid of me but not my hands if i reach in the cage hell lick my hand and let me pet him but when i pick him up he freaks out and freezes up or tries to hide when i sit down with him.the only time he wants anything to do with me is when hes in his cage or on my shoulder wich he always runs to out of fear and treats didnt work on him trusting me. is there anything i can do to socialize him? i dont want to get rid of him but lately ive been thinking theres no hope. can you help?

No, inbreeding cannot be "seen" by just looking at a rat. Inbreeding itself is not a problem unless the ancestors have a long history of poor health and genetics, moreover it's a matter of most pet stores usually don't breed quality animals to begin with. How long have you had him? Trust training is going to take months, and I recommend you stick to it. It won't happen overnight - it's a gradual thing. If you really want to keep him, just keep cracking at it.