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how old is my rat

21 17:11:14

QUESTION: i recently got a tan and white rat i am very protective of her and she does look young and she doesn't nurse and she does eat regular rat food from the pet store and so i got her from a pet store too and I'm afraid she is old so please help me!!!!

P.S. i don't want her to die young

ANSWER: Can you take a photo of her?  

You said you  dont want her to die young....I am not sure what that statement means....however, if you want your rat to live a healthy life and for as long as possible, it all starts with the proper care.  Its vital to feed them the right foods (which are NOT the seed mixes from pet stores) and to keep them on the right litter and to keep their cage super clean, and super free from ammonia from urine build up.  Plenty of attention daily from their owner, lots of room to run and play during play time etc..and your rat will have the right care needed to live a long and healthy life.  You need to read my website,  I made this site to help rat owners learn how to take proper care of their rats.

There are many web sites out there about rat care but they are not always accurate.  Check out my site and start reading, I bet you cant stop reading till your on the last page!

Anyhow, you can compare your new rat to my rats by going to my page called WATCH MY  BOYS GROW and compare the sizes.  let me know.....and try to get that photo of your rat. You can attach it here for our follow up!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what food would be good to give my rat? how long would it take for my rat to get sick if I've only had her for almost 2 weeks in a glass cage? who is a good vet for a rat? how long can she live for?

If you get her out of the glass tank and into a nice roomy wire cage, she should be fine. I cant tell you how long your rat will live for but I can tell you that a rat that is cared for properly can live up to 3 years old. Females should be spayed though so they dont get mammary tumors.  If you read my website you will know what I mean about the mammary tumors.  Also, read my web site to learn the proper foods to use and also you will see she should not be on pine or cedar or corn cob bedding and she should also not be alone, either. She should be with another female rat.

She looks to be about 4 months old.

Let me know your location and I will tell you  who a good rat vet is.