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rat socialization and sex

21 17:25:42

Hey there!  My name is Rachael and I was wondering if you could answer a couple questions I have about my darling two teenage boys (little mates).

 I recently adopted two blue rats who both have great personalities.  They are very gentle, although one is more active and nibbles on my finger which is assume is normal.  My first question is that they do not come out of their cage on their own.  I open their cage for a few hours and let them roam around in their rat free zone with no success.  I sit next to them and put my hands in the cage and they love to play and sniff them.  I try to entice them out with treats but they still stay near their safe zone, but are very curious.  For an hour or so a day, one rat at a time, I allow them to roam on my desk while I'm at the computer.  I pet them and tickle them, they have no problems with that.  One of the brothers actually prefers to climb on me, while the other keeps his distance but still loves a petting. (i assume he is liking it because he does not scream or run away).  Anyway, I recently read that I should not take them out of the their cage, that they should come to me on their own.  Is this so?  Should I not be picking them up and transporting them yet?  If patience is the key I totally understand.

  My second question is that they do not seem to be really interested in their three story home.  They rarely go to the second level and almost never to the third.  And, I made a great jungle area for them, and also placed tubes in their cage.  They do not play with it.  They also show no interest in the wood sticks I have that they should use to grind their teeth on.  The same ones, mind you, that were recommend as their favorite when I bought them.  They do run around and chase each other around the cage in a playful way sometimes, which is quiet assuming so watch.

 My next question is that my two boys have very, very large testicles.  Is that normal?  I have seen to need to remove them, they do wrestle each other but to no harm.  What are your feelings on neutering?  I have seen no reason too do this so far.

Sorry my question is so long but I wanted you to get the full picture.
 Thanks again for you time,
         Rachael  :)

Hi Rachael,

Yes you are Supposed to let them come to you. but, I have help with cases where the rats just dont want to come out of the cage and they need prompting. If they continue to not come out, you may need to simply take the top of the cage off, or take them out with your hand but be careful as they may bite. After you get them out do not allow them access to the cage but sit in the rat free zone and they should run to you when they get scared.

If they are not playing with their home thats just a personality thing and different rats will have different opinions. Try placing food on every level.

I recommend neutering for male rat. It is normal for them to be large and it can hurt them if they are playing and one Testicle is bitten.

Good Luck!

Emily Harris