Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Do you have any advise for a mouse?

Do you have any advise for a mouse?

21 17:02:28


Miss Honey Bun
I know mice and rats are two separate animals, but I have searched and searched for information and I can't find anything. I have an adult mouse who has severely hurt her leg, possibly broken, and I am having trouble finding a vet in my area who treats mice. I know taking her to a vet is going to be pricey, but until I can find one, I am wondering if you have any advice on what I can do in the meantime to make her more comfortable. Can I give her a TINY amount of infant's Tylenol or ibuprofen? Just not sure if it would be safe for her. If you could even point me to a website for help that would be greatly appreciated too. Thank You!

I have had mice as pets and have had them on antibiotics but I dont feel safe telling you to give her tylenol (childrens ibuprofen would be safer actually)  What I CAN do is find a vet for you that will see her.  Let me know your location and I will give you names of vets that see exotics.