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Rat has a lump what to do

21 17:47:22

Well my rat has got a lump on his right hand side it started of small but is now getting bigger and bigger. The lump has sores on it now and im not sure what to do i have taken him to the vets they said they can remove the lump and he said the operation is very easy to do but he is 2 and abit years old now and im just wondering is it worth the OP ? or should i have him put down :( which i dont really want to do. Also he is sneezing alot i think he might have caught a cold or something.

im just asking for advice on what to do really

thanks in advance :)

Hi Josh

I would not put him down thats for sure. He is not sick or anything from the lump so why put him down?  Also, he is NOT that old. 2 is not the end of the world. I have had rats live to be 3 years old and even close to 4.  He still has plenty of life yet but if he keeps the tumor it will eventually cause him to get sick.

I would get it removed right away so it doesnt get much bigger and cause
problems that can easily be avoided by removing it soon.

So, I guess with all the blibber blabber I just did to sum it all up, you want to know my advice on what to do?
I would do the surgery and the sooner the better. You will be glad you did it. I always believe in exhausting all options before throwing in the  towel!  As long as the vet is good with rats and has experience with rats and surgery and is board certified exotic vet, things should be fine.