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Rat bite wound on my Dumbo Buck

21 17:02:41

I just got three new ratties from a fellow breeder and when I put my new buck in with my other three he and my largest male(2 lbs)started fighting. I know that it was strictly territorial at first but now...After trying Vanilla and neutral territory as well as completely cleaning out the cage and giving the boys all bathe's it still hasn't stopped. The result for poor Nimbus has been a nasty bite to his right fore arm below the elbow. Could you please let me know what I could put on him so he doesn't get sick? He is only 5 months old.

you can put some antiseptic on  his wound and just keep it clean, I wouldn't recommend wrapping it as that could cause it to get infected faster,  fresh air is always best for wounds.. so leave it open.. clean it everyday and put some antiseptic on it.

I would recommend putting your boys together again, it could be that they won't accept the new boy in the clan.. and it will end badly in the end.

this happens every now and then, so you will have to have him in his own cage, and keep the trio together.

if the wound does get severely infected, or your rats starts to act sick, I would recommend taking him to the vet for some antibiotics.