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I think my rats dont like me...

21 17:59:37

I have had my rats for about 3 weeks and they are both relatively young.  I bring them out of the cage (one at a time) a few times throughout the day, but whenever I do have to watch them really closely because it seems like they want to run away more than anything.  Both have escaped once and it was challenging to catch them.  I don't think they trust me and I don't trust them.  They are so uneasy. Its hard to enjoy holding them when they don't seem to like being held.  However I keep reading that they really like people.  Will this "constantly trying to escape behavior" change or stop?  

Carrie, your rats love you. They are acting like normal young rats. They will settle down soon but right now they are just so curious, so busy, in exploring their new home. They don't know you yet so they are wary of being caught. Besides, if you were having all that fun playing would you want to be told it's time to go back in the house and stay there?

Here are some exercises that will help you bond with your rats. After the Bonding instructions is an article on Forced Socialization. Both were written to share with others because other rat-keepers were having the same problems you are.
