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Problem w/ back feet on female dumbo rat

21 17:02:32

QUESTION: Hello Sandra,

I am looking for some advice regarding my 3 year old female dumbo rat, Fizzbee. For the past few weeks it seems she has trouble with her back feet. The best way to describe it is she is not lifting them fully and it almost seems she is intentionally walking on her knuckles as her feet are curled up...! I have looked at it a few times, she can stretch her feet out and this causes her no discomfort. She moves about eagerly despite her back legs although her movement looks clumsy.

She lives in a cage with another female friend who is not showing any signs of similar problems. Is this a sign of old age or is there something that can be done for her? Is this something you have come across before? I have ensured her water, bed and food is all accessible without the need for her to climb and potentially fall.

Thanks so much for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.



Sounds like she has hind leg paralysis which is very common in rats her age. Let me ask, is her tail limp also or does she carry it high?  

Please read my site, and refer to the page on care of the elderly rats for more info on this condition.  Please let me know after you have gone over it so we can talk further about it.

Is she able to use her front paws to grasp and hold food ok yet?

She may have a harder time eating because rats usually balance on their hind legs. She now will lay on her belly and may use only one front paw to hold her food. You can even offer her baby foods to lick to help be sure she is getting enough nutrition during feeding time.

There is no need to put her down or anything, rats can adapt well to many things and as long as she is not miserable which she shouldnt be, she will and should continue to eat and be happy for some time yet.  Also she may need help keeping her backside clean so be sure she isnt having issues with feces or even urine staining her backside if she cant really manipulate herself around to groom good. The middle of her back may be a problem too so be sure to buy a soft bristle baby brush and use it on her gently every day to keep debris from collecting on her skin where she may not be able to groom herself. Watch for long toenails too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Morning Handsome!
Morning Handsome!  
QUESTION: Thank you for the quick reply Sandra,

Fizzbee's tail does appear to be limp when i compare it to the other's. Surprisingly her front legs are incredibly strong; she will climb up the side of the cage and even pulls herself into her hammock for a snooze. I do feel that she has lost weight, however, and this a concern. Baby food sounds like a delicious idea, I'm sure she'll love the added attention too! Does it matter what type/flavour it is?

Your website is fantastic! So many lovely photos and tips! I have learnt a lot from it, thank you.

Is it still OK for Fizzbee to be living with a companion? Sooty, her female cagemate, is only a year and i fear she might be a bit bossy and boisterous. But to separate the two doesn't feel fair or nice for either of them. They love their cuddles together and go off adventuring, although Fizzbee is a lot more tired these days.

I have a brush for them which i will use more often now that you have mentioned it. Thank you so much for your practical tips. She does seem to be coping quite well with it all so i am not too worried about her. She is certainly not at a point where i need to consider putting her down.

Let me attach a fun photo which i took of one of my ratties, Pip, who died last summer at 3 and a half. I will never forget the mischief she got up to! Anyway, she always wanted the last drop of my tea, and i still don't drink it to this day.

Thanks again!

Thank you so much for sharing the photo of Pip. She sure lived a nice long life, good job to you! May I ask if I can add her photo to my website? I have a few photos of rats that some of my readers have sent and its fun to post them, esp if they are from other parts of the world! Where are you located?  

As for Fizzbee, her tail is limp, may even be cold or cooler to the touch than normal, because of the lack/reduction of normal blood flow to the extremities and the paralysis to her back legs. This is normal so dont worry, as long as the tail doesnt turn blue or purple or darker, period. Oh, and WHITE is also not a good sign. This means lack of oxygen, but this of course is not any problem with her but a good heads up for others that may have a rat that is suffering from respiratory issues.

As for allowing her to continue living with her cagemate, absolutely yes. The stress from the separation would not be good for either rat. Rats are sensitive this way and stress is a good way to cause illness since stress can weaken the immune system.   I am glad you like my website. I get alot of people that come here thinking that all experts is "my" site but it isnt. Some people find Critter city for more in dept explanations to their questions rather than me writing another small novel. The other good part about that is they also find more info on my site that they may not have been looking for but hopefully find informative as well as entertaining.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK Sandra, that's great advice. Of course you can use the photo! I am based in Dublin, Ireland, but I actually have bought all my ratties in North Wales in the UK. When traveling with them i make sure to call them long-tailed norwegian hamsters when people inquire about them, because I always find people turn up their noses at the thought of rats. So unfair! I have never had better pets!

Thanks again so much for your help!


I dont hide the fact they are rats....and if people are that dumb to think a rat is a hamster....LOL....thats just scary.  Yes they are misjudged so badly it makes me sick....but sometimes I am not always Ms.nice girl and once some lady and her older teenage daughter were freaking out over my little tiny dumbo rat, Charlotte....saying she was gross and ugly and they got up and moved across the room when we were at the vets in the waiting area.  The tech came out to see us and asked why we were there and I told her I was bringing her back in for her check up after her attack with the bubonic plague....I winked and of course the tech giggled and the freaky nasty lady and her homely kid gasped.  LOL  It was classic.  I of course had to have the last say when I was going into the exam room and said that my rat was cuter than both of them put together.


Yes very childish of me but oh boy was it fun!!