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My Rats Abscess

21 17:11:47

I recently visited the vets about my rats abscess, I was told to give her a course of anti-biotic and she finished them the other day. I was told to bring her back if it does not go down by the time it finished. I finished giving her them yesturday and booked an appointment to get it lanced.
But i've just come to see her and its popped, as pus is coming out. As she isn't really handled much she wont sit still to let me wipe it. Is it dangerous for her to clean it herself?
Thanks x

No it is perfectly find for her to do it herself.  So many people write in and tell me that their rat had this huge mass on their body, and it just disappeared one night. I have to laugh each time and I have to tell them that their rat pretty much "ate" it.   The rats digestive tract will take care of anything the rat may have eaten so don't worry.  It sounds gross but thats the way mother nature intended things to work.  I would prefer it be done with your help, of course.  If you can find a way to wrap her in a towel, clean the area with saline solution or just plain water and apply a nice blob of antibiotic ointment (that wont hurt if she eats that either) but if not, she should be just fine.  Save yourself the money and don't bother of course with the vet and having it lanced.  Usually there is no need to lance these things and its a waste of money.  Sometimes vets really fool people and actually do SURGERY on the poor rat, charging people a fortune, darn well knowing this can burst on its own and the rat can resolve it quickly on its own.  Those vets are money hungry scoundrels that want the money and could care less about your rat or they would never risk it under anesthesia for something so minor.