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rats tumer

21 17:23:11


my daughter hasa rat with a tumer,it didn't appear so i just thought i would let her live out her natural loife span. Recently the tumer open up externaly and some blood came out still she is moving around fine and it does not seem to be bothering her. My daughter insists we take her to the vet my argument is that there is not much we can do. That we should keep her comfy in her own cage for as long as she lives. My understanding is that therev is not much we can do at this point. What do you think?

Your daughter is right. There is plenty you can do.  You can spare her life by having the vet remove the tumor.  

If you need a good rat vet please let me know. I would be happy to give you some names.

Even if you decide not to remove the tumor, she needs to be seen because the tumor has abscessed.  She needs antibiotics or she will end up with sepsis and this will kill her.

She should be given proper medical treatment either way so she is not suffering.

How old is she?