Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > warts on ears

warts on ears

21 17:27:21

I adopted a rat from a pet shop recently that they said they couldnt sell because of "warts" on her ears but they told me they should disappear with age. Not only have these bumps not disappeared they are getting worse and one of her ears I found bleeding(on the top edge where the bumps are)very recently. Do you have any idea what they are and if there is anything I can do about them. She doesnt appear to be in any pain and is always such a good natured, friendly rat but I am concerned for her. Thankyou


One of my big boys
These pet stores are ridiculous!!  Sounds like she has Sarcopetes Mange but I cannot be sure without a photo.  Do these warts ooze pus or any discharge? Does it look like the ears are being chewed or ripped at all?

You can attach a photo here if you have a way to take one. This would help.  Attach it by going to the end of the message and hitting the ATTACH button and browse your files for the photo you want to attach. I will put up a photo as a sample of how it will look on the right hand side!