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rats as first pets

21 17:33:16

I have a very responsible 5 year old for whom we would like to purchase either 2 rats or 2 mice.  My first question is, which of these do you recommend?  Also, which sex of the animals do you recommend?  Would 2 female rats be too much to handle for him?  Are they really just that hyper?  Would I be able to catch it if it gets loose ???
My husband is VERY against odors, so I'm wondering if the females are our only option.  Will a neutered male still spray his home or dribble around our house?
Thank you!

 Rats would definitely be the better pet for a five year old.  They are more hardy, much more friendly, and much less smelly.  I've had both rats and mice and find that mice have quite a distinct musk, whereas the only stink from rats is their urine and feces, which cage cleaning takes care of easily.

 Male rats do smell a little more, but it's mostly because they urinate all over the cage and most people only think to clean the litter pan, not realizing the urine is on the cage bars, toys, hammocks, etc.  They also are lazy and can sometimes have bad hygiene, getting pee and poo on themselves.  Neutering males can reduce their scent and frequency of urine marking but it doesn't work 100% in all cases.

 Females can be more hyper, but it also depends on the personality of the individual rat.  I've had females that were very laid back and some that never stopped moving.  I would recommend that you think about what your son actually wants to do with the rats.  If he'd rather hold them and cuddle them, males (neutered males even better) would be best.  If he'd like to watch them crawl around and explore their cage, toys, a maze or obstacle course, then females may be better.

 Either way, I would strongly recommend that you seek out a reputable breeder in your area rather than get your rats from a pet store.  Breeder-raised rats are much calmer, healthier, and friendlier and would make much better pets.  You won't have to worry about them running away and you not being able to catch them because they won't want to leave your side.

 Well I hope I've been helpful, good luck in your decision!