Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > RE: Willie

RE: Willie

21 17:22:02

He was born july 1st. So 8 weeks today. He's scratching and I see white flakes on him but no bugs they don't move. They have there dry food which is chex,oats,honey bunches of oats, kixs and cheerios. In the morning I give them blueberries and pears and lunch and dinner they a small spoonfull of green beans. I use paper towels for willie and aspen bedding for the older one because he's old and way overweight and don't want to potty train so his cage stinks if I use papertowels. -_- lmao

Hmmm he may have some dry skin due to the weather - have you ever bathed him? A gentle bath with a little oatmeal shampoo (puppy or kitten variety) should help some, and if you notice he continues itching even after a good bath, it may be best to have your vet do a skin scraping for mites and/or lice -- often they have them and we just never see them on the hair follicle or running around.