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Introducing rats that shared a tank at the petshop.

21 17:02:21

Hi :)
I bought a baby rat (6-8 weeks says the pet shop lady) on Saturday and I noticed he rarely came out of his house Unless I took him out. I did some researching and come across they like to be in pairs so I went to the same petshop and bought the other rat that caught my eye. Theyre both boys and I introduced them on my bed there was no stand off no eyeballing just a bit of sniffing and my first rat kept grabbing the new rats tail with paws and teeth as he walked (the first doesnt bite hard ive had him nibble on my finger) away he also follows his butt really closely and always manages to stand on him. The new rat doesn't really mind it's like he doesn't even notice. I don't know if they're from the same litter but they shared a tank at the petshop and the new one is a little bigger than the first. (sorry I haven't found any good names for them :)) I'm just hoping they won't fight in the future, I mean I know they will eventually have to establish who's boss but I'm scared it's Going to be horribly violent.... Any info would be great :) thanks,

They should be ok but I would let them hang out with you there watching for a few days first before leaving them alone in the cage.  They are still babies and should be ok at this point especially if they were getting along all this time while you were waiting to hear from me!:)