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Swollen starboard ankle

21 17:40:32

QUESTION: Background: My rat's name is Princess, she is a pink-eyed white dumbo rat who is currently 19 months old.  She has been neutered, had surgery to fix an umbilical hernia, and also had surgery to remove a benign adenoma in her rear-most port mammary gland.  I definitely do not shy away from seeing vets, and I have a very good one who is well-versed in rat care and rat surgery.  

Situation: A few days ago, I noticed her favoring her starboard leg (if looking at the rat from above, it would be her right rear leg).  This evening, I found her limping while holding that foot up as close to her body as she could manage.  I picked her up and examined the limb.  I suppose it might be a rat's heel - when sitting back on their hind legs, it's the portion of the 'foot' on the non-furred side of the joint (where the heel and arch meet on a human).  She was not at all interested in me checking it out in depth, as it was swollen and hot to the touch (warm, where normally her feet are cool).  She kept the toes carefully together, and when I was holding her belly-up to examine it, she would grab my finger with her healthy foot to push against it, but wouldn't use the swollen limb.  

I'm not sure if I'm dealing with a fracture or an infection - the only part that troubles me is the heat coupled with the swelling (three years ago I had a few bouts with cellulitis that leaves me skittish around hot swelling).  

Do you have any advice?  

Thanks ever so much,
A very worried rat owner

ANSWER: I agree with you, I dont like the fact it is warm to the touch either, but it could just be indicative of swelling but doesnt really mean infection. We hope.

Is it on the "bumble" of the rats foot so to speak?  

Also if you have a photo to attach to this message that would be awesome. Its hard to get a good visual like this. I can see things totally different than your trying to describe. If its unusual that makes it even harder.

Is it a localized sore or is the entire area swollen?

Usually rats know their own limits so this is why she is nursing it. However, if you can get her in a single story cage for a while and keep her food and all of her necessities nearby and low for her it will be less work to get around. She will be bored and probably rest. Rest is good. We want that for her:)
If I knew her weight I would suggest childrens motrin for her but if you plan on a vet visit I would rather the vet see it without any medicinal intervention or it could hinder the diagnosis.

To be honest, unless there is a fracture or need for antibiotics due to infection, the vet will suggest what I just did, keep her as immobile as you can possibly keep a rat, but without stressing her out if she has to be alone.

How are things today?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It turns out it was arthritis - she must have pulled her leg, but instead of healing up normally, it became arthritic.  A week of Metacam took care of it.  

I have a bit of bad news again though.  I just got back from the vet after a terrifying weekend.  She has deterioration of the inner ear.  They gave her antibiotics and steroids, to help with her ear, and I've cossetted her cage as much as possible, to keep her from hitting the sides, as she's flipping around to get to places (her legs aren't coordinated).  They don't think it's an adenoma, but they're hoping that it's just the ear, and that they can make her more comfortable.  

I'm sorry it's been so long - stuff's just been crazy.  Her foot's better, at least.

What meds is she on?  Steroids?  Antibiotics? Sounds like its inflammation on the vestibulocochlear nerve which is the 8th cranial nerve.

Is she using her forelimbs to hold food, etc?

I have a rat that never recovered from such symptoms like walking in circles, spinning, falling over (he learned to prop himself against  and turns out he cerebral palsy type movements from damage to his brain after a nasty infection. This was in January 2008.

He went blind in both eyes but despite all obstacles, he prevailed and is still hanging out with us!

I am glad the other rats foot is

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oh, it was Princess' foot with the arthritis, and it's Princess who's sick right now.  :(  

She's on Dexamethasone (steroid), Enrofloxacin (antibiotic), and Tear Gel for the eye that faces her blanket all the time - she had a lot of crusty ick around it last night.  

They'll put her on one more medication if she seems too nauseated to eat, but so far she's chomping down peanut butter and drinking apple juice happily.

Poor Princess!!  She should start to feel better soon, it may take some time though.  One thing, watch the peanut butter. Its pretty hefty in fats and proteins for starters which is not good for their kidneys but it presents a choking hazard (it can close up their throat) so I wasnt sure if you water it down or not.  

I hope she starts to improve soon.

You said they dont think its an adenoma so I am a bit confused since adenomas can grow from many organs,in this case, with the symptoms, I would assume they are suggesting it is not a pituitary adenoma, and that is only if it is benign. When its malignant it becomes an adenocarcinoma.  Either way, thats good news they dont feel it is, which is why I ask if she is able to grasp using her forelimbs and feed herself.

Poor baby :(