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Follow-up Question for Pinochio

21 17:36:52

QUESTION: (The system said I had too many follow-ups and needed to post a new question.)

I have liquid children's motrin.  I think Pinochio weighs almost 2 pounds.  His dose for the SMZ-TPC is .5cc and the doxy was .4cc.  I did a little googling and found a suggestion for an ice pack.  Do you recommend that (provided he'll sit still)?

ANSWER: Oh I didnt know this is you, Mary!  DUH!!  I just read this again on Rats Nest.  How is he today?  Let me know how it goes...

also the childrens can use .20ccs and thats probably underdosing him but better to be safe than sorry. Did you try the ice?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He hid in his log when it was out time, so about 10:30 I reached into the cage with a syringe with the motrin.  He took it with no trouble.  About midnight, he came out of the log acting normal.  He took a yogurt drop and after he ate it, I took him out to check him.  No squeak and he looked normal.  This morning he seems to be acting normal, too.  Could the problem have corrected itself?  Should I take him to the vet to be sure?

Um...if he seems ok and isnt doing what he was doing last night, he is fine.  It will go back to normal and if there was swelling to prevent that, the motrin helped PLUS you did the neosporin which lubed it and probably when he licked at it is when he went back in under the foreskin.  Hopefully thats over, but watch him because if it happened once, it may again because there is sometimes a reason for it to occur. How old is he?