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Rat with sore eye

21 16:53:42

Female rat
Female rat  
Today I bought a female rat as a friend for my male who is neutered.

It's extremely hot weather at the moment and she was housed in a small tub not in the best conditions.
Her breathing sounds completely healthy, but one of her eyes has porphyrin around it and she seems to not be able to open it properly.

Should I just clean this with water? Or would saline solution be better?

She's very active, eating fine..

My cage is wire so they have fresh air, plenty of toys and hammocks, they get fresh fruit and vegetables with their rat pellets..

Do you think I should worry or will it clear up if I keep cleaning it?

Thank you for your time

Dear Sarah,

Saline is better than water. In the picture, though, it looks like more than just a little stuck shut- it does look sore.

She should go to the vet.

If you want to wait a couple of days, use some Terramycin on it 2-3 times a day and see if it gets better. It is possible that she hurt the eye and it is healing; the antibiotic in the terramycin may help.

But if it doesn't get better in a couple of days,  it is time to go to the vet. And it is good for a new rat, especially one neglected, to have a checkup.

Best of luck and health to her.

