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Why is my rat sneezing

21 17:26:44

Ok so 2 weeks ago I brought home 2 girl rats they were only 4.5 weeks old now 1 of them is sneezing a lot on and off. Now the other every once and a while will sound like she has a phlemy throat and you know that sound when you breathe with a phlemy throat. Now the sneezing one has a little red around her nose and nothing else. The phlemy one is just normal please get back to me. I am in tears because I don't want them to die, Joplin

Hi Joplin

No need for tears!  They just need to see a vet and the vet will get them started on medication and they will be just fine.  Let me know if you need a vet and if so, your location and I will give you names of vets that treat rats.  You cannot go to just any vet since they are babies etc...