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Please Help My Poor Rat Im Afraid Hes Sick

21 17:47:14

I own a store bought pet rat male. Not sure what his breed is or anything but as of right now...I'm fearing his life.
I came home from school today and went upstairs to great my furry friend. When I walked in he was just lying there and wasn't greeting me like he normally does. I walked over and looked into his cage and saw his eyes which had a little bit of eye boggies on the edge. I was like...well they aren't supposed to be like that. He still hadn't moved, still hadn't opened his eyes. Well I bent over and picked him up and he fell limp in my hand. I was like, OMG NO!! I freaked out and held him aginst my chest. I've been staying close to him for a about a hour, maybe two and I haven't seen any improvement. He doesn't really walk around but his eyes are open. His back legs are beating hard with a pulse. And he won't drink or eat. Now he is normally pretty active but he's totally still now and I'm scared for him.

I wasn't sure if it was gas? Yesterday I fed him a little bit of salami. Was that a nono? I do give him freash food and water all the time. I have been sick myself, did I give it to him? Is that possible? And than I thought...could it be the heat? It's pretty moderate tempture. I keep the ceiling fan going so it's not to hot cause it's summer and I am in missiouri right now. So what's the regular temp for a rat?

So if he had gas what could I do?
What do you suggest is wrong with him?
Please help me and my poor baby!!

Holli, 14

Rats cannot stand temps higher than 85.  You need to get him to drink and eat but especially drink. Try to put water in a dropper. Meantime, he needs a vet right away.  Being weak like that is a very bad sign.

I can find a vet for you and set the appointment but he needs to go tomorrow or it may be too late for him.