Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Sinusitis?


21 17:22:24


I currently have three girls - Starbuck, Six and Caprica.
Over a month ago, they started treatment for respiratory infection - Starbuck wasn't ill, but was treated as a prophylactic.
Started off on Baytril and an anti-inflammatory I can't remember the name of. Six didn't take to it at all, so within the week she had Ronxin (I think that was the name... don't have the packet to hand) added to her treatment.

The other two were fine(stopped their treatment after about 2.5-3 weeks and absolutely fine), but Six stayed very ill for a while, and I had to hand/force feed her for some time. She picked up well and was fine, until today - about 4 days after her treatment ended: 3.5 weeks after the combination was started, and about 5 days after symptoms ended.

She is now making a non-constant rattling noise as she breathes, but only sometimes. She is healthy otherwise so far. I can phone the vet tomorrow but I thought I'd consult you too. Although my vet is excellent, I think.
I'm worried about drug resistance should we start her up again, and also that it may just never go away.
Is it worth continuing treatment for life - if no resistance forms, can other side-effects arise?

Could it be, as she is healthy otherwise, that the rasping comes from something other that a serious infection, that may be more easily treated, or may not even require treatment? May be clutching at straws here...

Could you recommend anything as the next step? A combination you know works in face of Baytril resistance? Complimentary treatments (I try not to let the ammonia build up, and have considered echinacea and steaming).

Would be grateful for any advice you can give - even though I do trust my vet and could heartily recommend to anyone in Edinburgh (U.K.)



Sinusitis is not really common in rats.  Sounds like she has chronic myco.  I would not hesitate to give her a daily dose of baytril for the rest of her life.

Please read up on mycoplasmosis on my website so you can see how it can go in stages. The more flare ups the rat has the more damage is done to tissues in the lungs and causes scarring, blisters and even chronic pneumonia.

Do not worry about resistance.  The only real way it can develop is misuse of antibiotics. When it is warranted, like in this case, tolerance will usually not occur if given a high end dose once a day.