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Yet another lump on toffee

21 17:21:29

Hi sandra,

I've found another lump on toffee.. This one I'm not sure there is anything they can do. It's right down near her lady bits and seems to be getting bigger. She isn't herself anymore. Not really wanting to come out.. Maybe it's just old age I don't know!
She still eating and drinking though and I've started her on senior aid

my poor little baby. Have you known rats have lumps removed from there??


Hi Vick

I dont like to hear this kind of stuff....geeze.....

but to answer your question, yes, its a common place to develop these tumors and it can be removed from there too. In fact, a friend of mine, whom I met from here actually, had a tumor removed from her girl in that same area I believe Toffees lump is.  The little stinkpot pulled the stitches out the first day so I used her as a feature as far as surgery complications.  Check it out and see if this is the spot Toffees mass is.  

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