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Holding my pet rats

21 17:21:48

I just purchased two male rats at petsmart today. One is a hairless male and the other is a cream and white male. The woman in the store said to let the rats get use to their new home for a couple of days before handling them. Is this true or should I start handling them right away?


How do they act toward you?  Are they shy? Do they hide? Let me know how they are first and we can go from there.  I usually dont take much stock in what pet store employees say as they majority of them are only there to make money and know very little about the animals they are supposed to be caring for.  They allow you to purchase the rat food seed mixes that are probably the most worthless food for rats available yet they tell you to buy it. I can go on and on.

As for the rats, it depends on if they were socialized properly by the breeder, which sadly, most of them are not held or get much attention like they should and are often terrified of people and hide for sometimes weeks when they go home with their new owner.  

When dealing with new rats, allow them to smell your hands first. Lay them (be sure they are washed good first) palms up and let them be curious enough to sniff you. They may even nibble on your hands just to get to know you (its not biting so dont worry) do NOT discourage them from this as they are not trying to be mean or hurt you in any way.  

Hopefully they will come out to you and begin sniff but if not, try again the next day.  
You should also have a nice play area to play in where they are safe and secure.  Check out the page GETTING STARTED to see how it looks and also, go the page WATCH MY BOYS GROW and you will see the one I made etc..

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