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Seb my darling pet rat

21 17:06:23


Seb has had problems with myco (which I now know about since reading about it a lot) since we got him in Feb 2009 from a pet shop who I am sure did not bother about the welfare of their little tenants as they were kept in cedar bedding, anyhow he is now obviously older and I worry, he has just finished another dose of baytril and I am now not sure what to do, although my vet is wonderful, I dont think they are real experts in the rat field as rats are not popular pets here in England, do you think I should ask him to put him on the combination of baytril/doxy? And if so, should I give this to him indefinitely? I love him so much its hard to explain and as we lost his "brother" Max in July I am finding it so emotionally tough watching him as although he seems to have stopped pining he seems so lonely when we are not around, we spend every free moment with him (my daughter and I) and she even sleeps with him as he is no longer caged, he has the run of the sofa during the day and at night he sleeps with her in her bedroom, he is a very contented little critter and if it wasnt for the myco he would have been perfect, I dont want to get any more as unfortunately when I lost Max (tumour on his face, put him to sleep after two failed attempts to get rid of the tumour through surgery)I was a mess so when Seb goes I will no doubt re-live that emotional mess and cant do it again. These little animals wind their way into your heart, they really do, please let me know what to do about Seb, I want to prolong his life as long as I can. Thank you.

Have you seen my website,  If not, please check over the page on illnesses and refer to the page on myco.  It may have info that you are seeking.  If not, let me know. I just didnt want to wait longer to answer you. My 94 yr old grandmother is very ill and I have been super busy with her.  I am the only family she has left so its so hard on me trying to juggle her and my life and my online life as well.  Please get back to me after reading the page on myco. It will explain about life long antibiotics etc....