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Nervous Rat

21 17:47:08


I have a very nervous rat named Roo. I bought her two weeks ago at a Petsmart. She won't take food from my hand and never comes to say hello. She does not like coming out of her cage. Is there anyway i can help her to learn I just want to be her friend?


Ever since I started here helping people about rat care, one of the biggest things was how to help a shy rat. I felt like I kept repeating the same thing day after day so I finally figured out the best thing to do was take all of the advice I give and make a website, making separate pages for each category.  From proper diet, discussing respiratory illnesses and tumors they are prone to, the red tears they get, how to find the right vet and of course, the most popular topic of all: What to do about a shy rat or a rat that bites! Since rats are born to NOT trust humans (and why should they? We have been trying to eradicate their species for centuries!) and if they are not taught from birth that we are there to love them and care for them, they will be very shy for their new owner.
Trying to force them to be held and cornering them to pick them up do nothing but make them think we have ill intentions. SUdden moves, loud noises, all of it will interfere with trying to calm a shy rat.
All of this is discussed on my site. Please refer to this URL:

After that, check out the other page, GETTING STARTED and this will give you great ideas how to build a safe play area for your rats so they can have a place to exercise and interact with you that is safe and secure. You will need an area like this anyhow to trust train.