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respitory disease

21 17:18:46

My little Nummy has had respitory problems. She has taken antibiotics + been on a nebulizer.  I would like to know if I can use + how to implement any vitamins antioxidants the omega 3,6 I have recently read Dr.Hind's thoughts on best nutrition - I would like to know anything I can do to prolong her life + keep her healthy how do I go about getting a consultation with you.

Hi there

I dont usually suggest vitamins to be honest. As long as the rat is getting a properly balanced diet, thats what is most important.  As for Dr.Hinds page on respiratory infection, it is very outdated.  The drugs he suggests to use are outdated and there has since been other drugs that have been found to work better than what he suggests.

The culprit of respiratory infection is often mycoplasmosis but it is often accompanied by a secondary infection which is why its best to use two antibiotics that compliment each other. Baytril is the drug of choice if dealing with mycoplasmosis pulmonis, but amoxil or another type of penicillin based drug is ideal to give in sync with baytril.  Using a nebulizer is also a good way to get the drugs directly into the lungs.  In more serious infection, gentocin or amakacin are also a good drug to use via the nebulizer but for short term use only as these drugs can be nephrotoxic in some cases. However, no documented cases have been seen in rats, luckily, and the benefits outweigh the risks as well.  Steroids are also fantastic when there is inflammation of the lungs and if the rat is hypoxic, its a good idea to  use a Bronchodilator such as albuterol. This will open the airways and help the rat breathe easier.  

If you would like a personal consultation, please write to me at and we can schedule a telephone consult. There is no charge for this at all.