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Dumbo rat outer ear infection

21 17:18:46


I have 5 rats, who I recently treated with revolution for lice. The skin problems have pretty much all cleared up, but one of the rats, Pinky, a dumbo PEW who is about 3 months old, now has strange bloody scabs around the outer edges of his ears. I have tried to look things up online and all I could find about outer ears was photos of Sarcoptic Mites. His ears don't look like that really, but each morning for the past few days he has had fresh sores rights on the edges of both ears.
I am a student with limited funds, and would like do know if this seems like a bad enough problem to take him to a vet, or if there is something I can do for him at home?

to me, that looks like the beginnings of sarcoptics... I'd suggest going to your local horse feed/tack store, buying the paste ivermectrin, and dosing him with the equivalent of about a grain of rice. You can repeat this once every two weeks for about three doses. If he's not dramatically better at that point, you can offer him half of the grain of rice dose once a week for about 3 to 4 weeks.

Of course, I am not a vet, and I only suggest this as a home treatment. The best advice is ALWAYS to go to a vet. :)