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Hurt foot

21 17:29:04

QUESTION: Hi Sandra - I noticed this morning that one of my rat's toes was red and inflamed, not like bumblefoot, as if it's hurt. The whole thing is swollen and it's pretty red at the base of her nail, though the nail is still attached fine. I have a three story cage - the bottom's solid, but the platforms are all wire mesh. I know they're not supposed to be on wire, so I cover all the platforms with towels and pillow cases. The only thing wire is the ramps (should I cover those too?)
She wasn't acting any differently toward the toe, but I wanted to put some anti-inflammatory, pain relief ointment on it that I'm currently using on my rabbit's feett for a bad case of sore hocks. It helps my rabbit a TON with swelling and pain relief, so I figured it would be good for my rattie's little toe.
When I was trying to put the ointment on her toe, she jumped onto my back and then onto the floor! She got herself behind all my TV electrical boxes and we couldn't get her to come out. My husband and I finally trapped her in her carry case and got her back in her cage after a stressful 20 min.
I'm sure the whole experience was extremely stressful for her - she's still a baby (3 mos.) and I've only had her about a month and a half.
Her foot looked the same when I put her back in her cage, but she's licking it an awful lot. She doesn't appear to be limping at all, though she does seem a little slower and more careful.
She ate and drank a little when she got back in her cage with her sister and is now laying in one of her many hammocks.
These are my first rats, and I know I need to keep an eye on her, but I'm wondering what I need to be watching for? Also, what can I do if she's in pain and how will I know if she's in pain? I know there's nothing a vet could do for a hurt toe, but what should I watch for that would warrant a vet trip?
I'm pretty sure she's the alpha - her sister's been licking her toe for her too. It's just the two of them in the cage. Thanks for any and all advice!

Plastic needlepoint canvas
Plastic needlepoint ca  
She may have an infection under the nail.  You can dab some saline solution on it and also neosporin ....what are you using on bunny?  
I would try that again if possible.  The safest way to do this is to go into the bathroom and sit in the tub with her (Drain DOWN of course!)

As for covering the wire...what I do is this: I put a few thick layers of newspaper down first and cover the paper with plastic needlepoint canvas that you can find at any walmart etc... in the craft section. There are tiny holes in it for drainage and it will soak into the newspaper. Makes an easy clean up and you can even wash the plastic canvas and dry it in the dryer for a few seconds after washing in hot soapy water!  Here is a photo of the canvas on the right hand side. They are in sheets of 12 x 12 I think.  You can cut them real easy too! I love them!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Sandra! I haven't tried the saline solution, but have been sneaking some neosporin onto her toe last night and this morning. It is very slowly starting to look better, not as red and irritated but still swollen. I think I figured out what happened - she has a one of those hanging little fuzzy houses made for birds and she's been ripping the sheepskin padding out of the inside. I found little spots of blood on it, so I assume she got her toe nail stuck while doing that.
For my bunny I'm using AVI-x soother - not sure if you've ever heard of it - it's mostly aloe vera with some special pain relief/anti-inflammatory solution. I know it works great for my bunny's feet (when she doesn't lick it all off!)
Thanks again!

I have sold this at the clinic, mostly for birds too but its safe for lagos as well.   

Rodents, it may help, if they dont lick it, but neosporin may have more antibiotic properties in it that may benefit him.  Keep her busy for a bit so it absorbs and if she licks it, some absorbed anyhow.  You can do that for bun bun too. I have a bunny. He is a huge black rex bunny, 6 yrs old that stomps his feet and bites. Love bites, ok, maybe....but still, bunny bites scare me more than rat bites because my rats are a tad smarter than Dillworth is and at least they know not to bite.  Dill, he doesnt care, he bites toes, legs, hands, fingers, my nose......