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Toffee squeaking

21 17:55:15

Hi Sandra

This is probably gonna be a hard question to answer as you can't hear her across the Atlantic!! but when Toffee is doing something naughty she squeaks when i remove her. (seems to be most of the time she is chewing something she shouldnt!!) Ive tried saying No, squirting her with water, blowing on her but she carrys on regardless. Ive started picking her up and moving her away or putting her in her cage for a few minutes- the equivalent of the naughty step, whilst her sister is still out- (fingers round her with her legs between my fingers so im not squeezing her but she is secure) Everytime i pick her up she does 1 small squeak at me. Im not hurting her but am worried that she has got something inside that i press on. Do rats ever squeak in protest at being removed from something they enjoy??

Oh YES!  My rat Templeton?  He acts like he is being murdered if you remove him from something.  He and his brother scrap all the time because Temps is so grumpy! When he is out during play time and I go to pick him up he just squeaks so loudly like your hurting  him. When I first got him (they are intact adult males, around 19 months or older) I rescued them from the dog pound. I did not know much about them and thought Temps had broken bones or something because of how he would scream when I would pick him up. Nothing is wrong with the moose, mind you, but he is a very vocal rat.
I have worked with some rats that were overly dramatic with their squeaks of protest but my Templeton takes the trophy for it so far.  LOL

Hope that helps....