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My Dumbo Rat Bites!!

21 17:24:18

I bought a lovely blue and white dumbo rat name Elle from a pet store, i know this is not an ideal place to buy one  but i couldnt find any other breeders in the area. But anyways, she was very scared of my when i first got her, but i have had her a week now and she is the best rat i could ever ask for, exept one thing: she bites, not hard just a nibble(i think she is trying to lick me) but i think it is because her teeth are too long, how can i make her teeth sdhorter??


I dont think her teeth are too long or she would have trouble eating and you did not mention that.   Does she make you bleed when she bites?  Is she more friendly now?

You can read about rat teeth and how to care for them here: