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How many lumps is too many... update

21 17:30:05

Hi Sandra,

Sorry i cant add onto bottom of last post so am starting again.
With a heavy heart i write this. I lost my little Fudgy today. They both went in for their lump surgery and at 16:00 i got that dreaded phone call from the vets. She had started to wake up from her operation then her heart stopped. They tried to revive her but she was gone. I am devastated.
I keep blaming myself. She was all lively and awake when i took her. I gave her a cuddle before the vet took her. Maybe i should have just left the lump.

My heart is broken. Would it have been quick and painless? She looked quite peaceful when i brought her home

Oh my gosh no Vicky

I cant believe it. I dont understand why this occurred. To be honest this should not happen.

Once again this makes me question sooooooooooo much. Did they keep her body temp steady? Did they use sevoflurane (the type of anesthesia that is safest for rodents)  

These things happen I know but they are supposed to be looked in to and the answer sometimes is clearly from error on the vets part or the staff and other times, its just the rat itself.

Yes it was quick and painless...she never felt a thing.

My heart hurts so badly for you right now. I am so sorry. OMG this is just the worst thing. So many rat owners fear this very thing which is why I devoted a page on my site about surgery risks and how to check to be sure your rat has the less risks of all by going over a check list to go over with the vet etc....

I would ask if she lost blood during the surgery and what method did they use to keep her body temp stable etc....

I am so sorry.  This makes me so sad. I wish I could give you a big hug right now!!!!