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hermaphrodite rat?

21 17:34:27

I bought a cute little girl rat a couple weeks ago at about six weeks, I noticed just about a week ago that she had developed a small sac/testicle looking object underneath her anus. She has the female anatomy just like my other adorable rattie, except with this new sac. it's not filled with anything so it's not a cyst or anything. Please help! Is she okay?! or is it merely a heshe??

Hi Ashley;
I'd love to give you a simple answer but honestly without looking at her myself it's hard to tell. I'd really have to see it in person. However, you may be able to pop by a vet (who knows rats) and have them just sex "her" for you.. normally for a quickie they won't charge you. That way you also get an idea of whats going on with that odd would-be-testicles!

Good luck.