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Rat problem

21 17:02:32

hello, i have 2 elbino rats male or female, and they are around 1.5 years old, i saw that my female elbino is not well because her left eye is getting white, when i bought female elbino her eye was red but after 1 year her left eye is look like white but she is still allright because she eats she drinks she is normal but i am worried about her eye please help me. what should i do for her... Amit

Sounds like your rat has a cataract.. its the same thing people get, as long as her eye doesn't dry out I don't see a problem.  if her eye is getting dry get her some sterile eye drops.. saline solution to keep it moist.. but if it gets worse I would take her in to a vet to get it checked out.
Hope that helps some