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Injured Rat Tail?

21 17:41:30

I got my baby Pidge out today and was sitting on the couch watching tv with her when i saw a red spot on her tail. Its a red spot that is long and looks like the top layer of skin pulled away in that spot like she got it caught in something and pulled it out or Maggie (her cagemate) bit it. It doesnt seem to be causing her any pain (although rats are good at hiding it) and there isn't a break. Should I just monitor it to see if it gets worse or should I take her in to the vet or should I just wrap it? I worked for a vet once and am pretty good at wrapping things. I have classes all day tomorrow so I probably wouldnt be able to take her in til the day after. Anyway any info would help. Thanks.

Hi Mar

No, I wouldnt wrap it.  SHe will just unwrap it anyhow :)

I would clean it with plain warm water and apply a thin layer of neosporin ointment on it.  It sounds like she was slightly degloved, like you said, maybe she caught it in something. Check the cage for any areas the tail could have gotten stuck.   I would watch it for infection but it will more than likely heal over in a few days. If you notice any swelling or severe redness etc....or discharge or odor that is when to call the Vet.

Hope this helps!