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Gadgets strange movements

21 17:18:01

Hi Sandra,

My male rat Gadget (around 2years old) never usually makes any noise or has strange movements but i have noticed that just before he eye boggles (with intense bruxing) his whole little body pulsates, like hiccups, and then the eye boggling follows shortly and the movements stop. I was just wondering whether this is normal, he does not do it any other time.

Also, sometimes he makes a 'tweeting' noise very faintly which only lasts a few seconds and there does not seem to be a pattern to it, what do you think this could be?

Many Thanks


Sounds just like hiccups, which is common in rats. Its almost like a spasmodic type motion. right?  Sometimes that little sounds you hear are related to the hiccups as well. If he is making this tweeting sound other times and not during the hiccup-like episodes, let me know.