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my rats ill

21 17:33:20

i took my rat to the vets because she seemed ill. He gave her some medication and she seemed to be getting better. A few days later she is layed on her side wheezing. she has also lost fur on her head and around her eyes. She has a discharge coming from her eye. she cant move or grasp her food properly. she also cant stand on her back legs properly. She is not eating or drinking and i don't no what to do.

Please help.
Thank you
Joanne x

How old is your rat?

What medication did the vet give her? When she first got sick, how was she acting?

It sounds like she may have had a stroke.  You may need to find an emergency vet tonight to have someone see her right away.  If you need help finding an ER clinic that sees rats or a vet that sees rats that is a qualified exotic vet, please let me know and I will help locate some for you.