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Healing time after surgery

21 17:24:39

Hi Sandra,

My two-year-old girl Belle had surgery three days ago to remove a squishy lump right next to her leg, and was spayed at the same time. The vet said the lump was wrapped around muscle tissue so it wasn't the usual 'pop it out' type of surgery. I worried about her, but they said she was doing great, not messing with her incisions at all.

Well, much as I guessed, as soon as she got home that's what she started to do. I tried my best that first night to keep her preoccupied, but of course when I woke up the next morning she had pulled the first layer of stitches out. She was on metacam, so I thought I would see if it would just heal without having to go back to the vet.

But it's going on the third day now and the two areas are still showing very raw and pink. There's no sign of infection, but I'm still wondering if it merits a trip back to the vet to see what they can do. Is Belle preventing the areas from healing by cleaning them, or will it just take time?

Otherwise, she's eating and sleeping like normal. I am trying to restrict her activity level (took out all the levels and ramps from her cage so she could only be on the bottom) but whenever I open the cage she is bursting to come out and play.

Thanks for your help!

Metacam is a glorified motrin used for mild to moderate pain. Was she given antibiotics?

If all you see is pink raw skin and no bleeding etc...and she is no longer messing with the incision, I would leave her be. The vet will put them back in and she will do the same thing again. Keep in mind rats only do this due to pain in the site so if the stitches are too tight and she is uncomfortable she will go after the incision. if she is now at a comfortable level since pulling the stitches out, she is probably going to leave it alone now so just watch her.

She sounds like she is doing good though.