Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Ringworm


21 17:46:17

QUESTION: About a week ago I found what looked like ringworm on my neck and a couple days later I went to the doctor and he said it was.  My mom also has it.  I strongly believe that I got it from our rats, yet none of them have been itching a lot or have been losing hair.  My mom was told that the fungus could have just been in the bedding, and that it got in our skin when the rats gave us scratches on our neck, and that they don't necessarily have ringworm.  I have 21 rats (I'm trying to get rid of 13 babies and can't).  I don't know which one would have it.  None of them have symptoms.  I also have one that has ear infection.  Can the other rats get it?  My mom hasn't taken him to the vet yet.  I keep telling her to, but she doesn't seem in a hurry to do so.  Another one is sneezing a lot.  I don't think it is the aspen bedding, because the sneezing has only been going on for a couple of weeks or so.  Its usually three quick sneezes.  I have too many problems.  Can you help me?  I would appreciate it.

ANSWER: Hi Stephanie

Wow 21 rats????? Well I cant say anything, I found myself with 24 before and it was hectic!!  So tell me to make me happy you have put the boys with the boys and girls with the girls now right? Baby rats can be fertile as young as 5 weeks so you will end up with even more ratties!

You can try craigs list to find homes for them or a rat rescue!

As for the ringworm...if the bedding had the fungus, the rats would have it too and if they have no signs of it, they probably dont have it. Aspen bedding should not cause sneezing but if she just sneezes a little bit I would not worry. If she is eating and drinking ok, I would also not worry. No congestion in her nose or chest, right?

Also, the ear infection? No, other rats cannot catch it, but how do you know she has it? Is she holding her head to the side or walking in circles etc?? How old is she?   This needs a vet soon because the bacteria can go to the brain and it would be terrible for the rat if this were to happen.

Do you have a vet for the rats? If not, I can help find one, just let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, we separated them at four weeks, when we did the weening, and we tried the craigs list.  The female sneezes a lot, almost like she was a cold.  The boy that has the ear infection is walking with a head tilt and keeps shaking his head, although he is not walking in circles.  I only discovered it a couple days ago.  We haven't been able to play with them all much because of the heat.  Yesterday we found blood in the cage, but none of them have any wounds.  One has poop or something on his butt.  I wasn't going to write that, but I've never had a rat with that problem before.

ANSWER: Hmmm...blood but no wounds, cuts or anything. Was there alot of blood, like a spot the size of say, a dime or penny, or little dots of it all over, like the blood spattered all over the place in little dots?

The poopy rear end? That little rat probably had some soft stool and it smeared on his or her butt. You can wet a paper towel with warm water and wipe that area for he or she, gently though.

As for the ear infection, yep, your right, the head tilt and shaking his head is for sure an indication he has an ear infection. Go impress mom and tell her that your boy rat has Otitis media and that his head is tilted because there is pressure on the 8th cranial nerve. He needs antibiotics, such as baytril for at least 21 days and also steroids to help the inflammation from the infection and his head tilt may take some time but it will subside after a few weeks.  Just let her think you knew this stuff all by yourself!

I bet she puts you in Vet school right away:)

Anyhow, tell me about the blood and where it was and how much did you find....I can perhaps help you figure out where it came from.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: There was blood splattered(just little splatters) on the bottom of the cage.  There was some (I'd say it looked scraped) on the rim of the food bowls, and I think there was a large stain on the hammock.  This just might of been from him sleeping in it and the fabric absorbed it, making the stain look big.  You would think I would see a wound.  My mom thinks it was a tooth or something.  I don't know, because my mom couldn't find anything on them when she looked them over.  We need to find homes for these little guys.  They are now 8 weeks old.  We have too many.  This weekend we're going to buy a new cage, because of overcrowding.  Apparently, no one in Iowa wants rats.

The "blood" I think your seeing is really called PORPHYRIN.  

This is a secretion that is made by a gland called the harderian gland which is located behind the eyes.  Have you ever seen your rats have red tears or red mucus from their nose?  WHen they are stressed they make more and when they sneeze, it spatters all over the place looking as if blood splattered all over.  

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