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lump on my female rats tummy

21 17:10:19


I have a two year old female rat.  Just last week, I noticed a lump about the size of a large grape on her lower belly (right above her left leg).  It was never there before. She has thinning fur, but the thinning fur was always there.  The lump is recent.
The fur is still there on the lump itself.

She didn't seem to mind when I pressed it gently (it was squishy).  She does not seem to be in any pain--she goes around her life normally.  What is it, and what can I do for her?

Please refer to my website, and refer to the page on tumors.  

Female rats are prone to mammary tumors, especially if they remain intact and are not spayed.

Please read about it on my site and write back when your done. We will discuss treatment on your follow up, what to look for, and discuss Vets and how to find one that isnt going to do more harm than good for your girl.