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My pet rat Priscilla has been bleeding from her private area

21 17:18:22

I need advise ASAP! I am torn!  My pet rattie Priscilla started bleeding this morning from her private area.  Took her to the vet and the vet seems to think she has a tumor in her uterus.  She got a swab of the blood and it had no bacteria, white cells etc.. in it just blood so teh vet said she has a gut feeling its a tumor and not an infection.  My rattie is a year and a half old but the vet said she could exploratory surgery to find out if its a tumor and remove it if thats the case.
I  know rats have a short life span so I am torn if I should put her through surgery at her age.  I love her to death and would do anything for her!  She is healthy otherwise, eating good. active but what if I put her through surgery and she passes 3 months later or something like that from old age?  Or she could live another year if I get it done.  My husband loves her as much as I do and he isn't sure either, actually he is leaning more towards no but it will be my decision in the end. My little hairless ratties Mingling passed almost 2 months ago and I still cry over her.  it has been VERY hard to come to terms with her death and now this with my sweet Prisiclla.
I know you can't tell me what to do what I am seeking advice from another rattie lover.  I want to do what is best for Priscilla.  Thank you!  Lisa

I'm really sorry you're going through this. :/

You make some excellent points, and all things that I would consider as well before putting a rattie of mine under the knife. How old is Priscilla?

If she's a year or under, I personally would go ahead with the surgery. If she's over a year, I'd let her live it out -- if the vet is certain it's a tumor. Often they can offer you an ultrasound, which requires the rat to be sedated, but it's less invasive than a surgery -- and if they find nothing, you're a little further in your hunt for what's ailing her.

Of course, you're her mom, and only you can decide if she has quality of life as she is. Best of luck, my thoughts are with you and Priscilla!