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My Rats Leg

21 17:34:42

Hi Sandra,

My name is Kayleigh and I have 2 young male pet rats, about 10-12 wks old. Anyways, the younger one, Bear, hasn't been putting weight on his left hind leg. I noticed this today (1/9/09). He can walk with it, but avoids putting too much weight on it. He hasn't been very active the past few weeks, but I didn't notice anything wrong with him. I just thought it was his nature, because he's also just a little chubby. I just wanted to know what you think. Fred (my other rat) and him play kind of rough sometimes but they really care for each other so I don't think Fred hurt him. Do you think it could threaten his other leg or even his life? What should I do? It might not be that serious because he can walk alright, it just seems like it's pretty sensitive. I know you're not a vet, but I was just wondering if you've ever noticed that in your rats or anything. Is it serious enough to see a vet ASAP or should I wait it out to see if it worsens? Thanks for your time.



I think your little man twisted his leg. If he isnt walking on it yet he should be soon. As long as it isnt swollen, you dont see a protruding bone coming from it and he isnt squeaking in pain or licks at if frantically, he should be ok.  What you may want to do (although its not crucial since he does  walk on it, but is more or less nursing it) you can put him in a small single story cage with no ladders, shelves, ramps etc...and nothing for him to climb on at all. He will have no choice but to lay immobile for a bit just to keep him quiet so the leg can heal. I dont really think you need to go this route but just an idea even for future use if they  ever hurt themselves again.  If he is acting like he hurts you can also give him some childrens motrin. I would need to know his weight though in order to instruct you on how much to use.
Hope this helps....

Oh almost forgot:  Do you have a vet? A vet that is an exotic vet, not just a general vet that sees exotics on the side.  If not, I can give you some names (maybe!) of vets around you unless you live in the desert. Thats kinda hard if so.  :)