Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Weird bumps

Weird bumps

21 16:56:51

Hello I'm Teeona. Friskey my rat has the bumps on his back paws. I don't know what they are. The bumps are not red or scab. Are the bumps on Friskey 's back paws normal or that's bumblefoot?

The bumps are normal.  All rats have them.  They are there to protect his feet and provide extra padding, similar to the padding dogs and cats have on the bottom of their feet.  Bumblefoot would be noticible if your rat's foot or feet were red and/or swollen and ulcerated.  Here's a link to a website that explains bumblefoot and how to treat it, in case your rat ever does develop it.  Note the first photo that shows a rat with one infected foot and you will notice the difference:

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.