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2 yr. old pet rat

21 17:28:10

I have had a delightful female rat for just under 2 years. The past week her behavior has changed. She seems to be completely blind. She shrinks away from being touched, usually as soon as we approach the cage she is ready & waiting by the door and loves to be held and crawl/climb all over us and snuggle and be petted. Now she sleeps in the corner of the cage, all puffed up and pulls away if you try to pick her up. She has always been the most gentle creature I have ever been around. She will let you pet her if you remove her from the cage but will just be limp and sleep and not move around. Drinking fine, her food is the rat pellets and she seems to be turning them into powder but not eating much of it, I've never found so much ground up food before. I truly appreciate any advice you can offer. I don't like the thought of euthanizing her, but sure don't want her to suffer. Thank you again, Dixie

Hi Dixie

No need to even think of euthanasia for her at all at this time. She may not be feeling well but you need to get her in to the vet to find out what is going on. Sometimes rats her age develop kidney problems or heart problems and there are medications and change in diet that can help certain ailments.
As for being blind, usually if you can touch the eyeball without her moving away is the way to tell if she has sight or not, but they can pick up your movements simply by vibration from their whiskers so its a bit hard to tell without a full exam.  Also, shining a light in the eyes and seeing what type of reaction you get from the pupils also will tell you alot about what is going on.  My old boy lost his sight last year but he can still pick up on light and shadows very well.  He prefers a dim room so his room is lit with a red bulb and rarely is there any natural light in his room (which is a huge walk in closet) he lives alone in a single story cage due to his many ailments but he is still doing well despite his many handicaps. Rats are tough and fight hard for their lives. so rarely do I suggest letting them go unless they are truly suffering and have no quality of life left. is she doing with her bathroom habits?

Try to offer her baby food and let her lick from a flat dish. Sometimes when rats are sick they would rather lick then chew and exert the extra energy.

Do you have a vet for her?  If not, let me know where you are and I can help locate a vet for your girl.