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My sick rat

21 17:09:23

Okay, I have two pet rats, Kibbles and Bits. Bits is the livelier one, fatter and friendlier, and Kibbles is more scrawny (but has always been so) and less affectionate, despite equal attention. This morning, when I woke up, I heard Kibbles making a weird noise, that sounded almost like a quieter version of a cat hacking. But then she'd stop making the noise for a long period of time, and she seemed fine. Only now she is spitting out thick wads of saliva, and earlier she was doing this weird paw-shaking thing, lifting her paws up around her head and shaking them around really fast, like they were vibrating, and her eyes seemed a little weird as well, though they seem normal now. I am pretty sure I cannot afford a vets bill for Kibbles, if it comes to that. Is there anything you can tell me??

She needs to see a Vet. It sounds like she has some respiratory problems and will need treatment right away in order to avoid her from getting worse and possibly ending up finding her dead just like the last person that wrote to me did.  When you notice your rat acting strange for any reason, count on it being a sign of illness and refer to a qualified Vet right away.