Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat losing fur

rat losing fur

21 17:30:05

would like to know why rat is losing fur

How old is your rat?

What do you feed it?

Male or female?

What bedding do you use?

What coat type does your rat have?

Do you know your rats genetic history?

Have you had your rat tested for ecto-& endo-parasites recently?

Has it been very dry (weather) where you are?

Does your rat live alone, or with roommates?

Where is the hair loss occurring (on the body)?

Have there been any changes in behavior or personality that coincide
with the hair loss?

Do you bathe your rat?
If so; in what shampoo?

There are MANY factors that can come into play. I need to know more than what you have provided me. Thank you.