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inflamed mama rat nipple

21 17:47:36

Hi Sandra!
I'm a long time rat lover but first time breeder. My momma rat has one inflamed nipple. Her babes are 3 weeks old. Will this resolve on it's own or is there something I should do?

Also, a question about degloved tails. I have read that a a bit of missing tail can be treated at home but a lot needs to be treated by a vet. How much is a lot? For example, 1/2 inch would fall into what category?

Many thanks!



Her nipple may be engorged. It may resolve on its own after lactation but watch it for any discharge.

About the degloved tail-  Degloving is serious and painful. As a matter of fact believe it or not, my 10 year old cat was just degloved. He got his tail caught in the door (my 80 lb dog leaned against the door as the cat was leaving the room) Cat freaked, pulled his tail out was just one intense scene for at least 10 minutes. Blood all over the bathroom as if it were a murder scene and all I saw was the exposed vertabrae just like with the rat.  Long story short, they had to remove half his tail but he is doing good. Got stitches out today. This is one reason it has taken me so long to respond to everyones messages because usually I respond in less than 12 hours. Between the cats injury and the storms we had that were responsible for our power loss and loss of high speed internet, I am super backed up with messages and apologize for taking so long. Next time I promise it wont be so long:) does the tail look? If it is drying up and perhaps turning black, it will fall off on its own. Sometimes it does warrant antibiotics but if the rat is acting OK and eating,drinking and playing as if nothing is wrong, chances are it will fall off on its own (the injured part that is)

Is it black at all?  If so, this means it is necrotic (tissue is dying) and you should watch for infection.

How does it look today? Can you take a picture and send it to me at  that would help considerably!!