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Rat virus?

21 17:47:36

Hi, I sent you a question earlier, but i made a mistake while typing it. I forgot to put the name of the virus i was asking about. It was Sendai virus (SV). In case you dont remember what my question was, I'l just ask it again. Sorry to bother you like this!

Ok, so i have four rats that all live in a large cage together. Early tonight, my oldest rat started showing intense lethargy, labored breathing, and hunched posture. She has a tumor and is very old so we thought it was just old age. However, just a few hours later, my other middle aged rat started showing the same symptoms. When i take the two out they just want to lay down and sleep. They can barely walk, have poor balance, and can barely open their eyes. I went online and read about a virus called Sendai virus, and i was wondering if that could be it.

I have separated my two healthy rats and put them in a different cage downstairs. I'm really worried that they might catch it too, and i dont think i can handle loosing all four! What do you think is happening to them, why do you think it's happening, and what do you think i should do?

I megan. SDA and Sendai are two of the most common viruses are rats can catch but both can be serious business.

Although you moved the other rats to another room, they were exposed to whatever the rats have so be sure to exercise extreme caution when you travel between the sick rats and the rats that were not stricken. Read my web page about proper quarantine for not only the rats but for their keeper to follow in situations like this:

You asked what is happening, but I need to know a bit more. Do they appear to be congested?
Have you brought any new rats into your home without doing quarantine? If so, dont feel bad because most rat owners dont even realize they should  do it and pet stores do not tell you that you should, either.

I am leaning more toward the two rats having strep pneumonia which is indeed catchy but it seems to be more contagious among the very young, the very old or the rats that have a weak immune system like the rat with a tumor.   You  need to first of all contact a vet that is well versed in exotics and rats and get them both in. They need aggressive antibiotic therapy and fluids, possibly oxygen and should be kept in a critical care environment for at least over night. The medications need to be nebulized too in order to get it to their lungs fast enough.
If you need to find a vet, go to my site and to the ABOUT VETS page and click the link to the AEMV. There is a drop down menu that will help locate an exotic vet near you. these are true exotic vets and will give your rat the best care.

Sendai is seen more among a huge colony of rats that often are born with it, but it can be passed on which is why I asked about new rats coming in. Have you been to a petstore that sells rodents lately?

Well instead of me trying to guess, its best to see the vet. Meantime, try to get fluids int he rats using a dropper and sugar water or even koolaid but pedialyte would be best...anything at this point will help though.

Please keep me posted and good luck!