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rat depression

21 17:46:37

I have a rat, Denali, who use to live with three other rats. About three weeks ago two of her cagemates suddenly came down with pneumonia and passed away. It was heartbreaking. She is left with one rat now, but that rat is very young and hyper and Denali is on the older side.

Its been a while now but Denali still just doesn't seem to be quite herself. She still eats but not as much and she's just less active and a little more skittish. Its nothing too drastic but i can just tell she's not feeling too well. Is there anything i can do to help her feel better? Im trying to give her extra attention but she doesn't seem as excited about being held anymore.

 Rats can certainly become depressed over the loss of a friend.  Three weeks is a bit long to still be this bad, but it is possible she just needs a bit more time.  It may also be worse on her if she is getting older herself.  Rats tend to slow down between 2 and 3 and will often lose weight, become less active, and their hair sometimes thins.

 Is it possible that Denali is ill herself?  Pneumonia is very contagious and sometimes shows little to no symptoms.  You may want to consider having a vet take a look at her.  Rats are very good at hiding their illnesses and often no symptoms come up until it is too late.  If she is depressed over the loss of her cagemate it could increase her chance of getting an illness, or increase the chance of any illness she already had getting worse.  It wouldn't hurt to have her examined.

 I certainly hope she feels better soon!  Good luck!