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snowy my rat

21 17:33:12

hi iv had snowy for a year now and i am lost in how to help him. snowy has been dealing with a runny yellish dischargy nose for six months, iv gone to vet and they have given him bydrill which his been on 4 time in six months and nothing is happing. iv also tryed low allergy bedding and low protine diets
i really need some help.

Yellow discharge is generally an infection of some sort; so baytril SHOULD have helped.. however you have to be sure you've kept up on it, which means the continual dosage 1 or 2 times a day as prescribed for the full 10 to 14 day period. If this isn't helping, ask for a different antibiotic -- doxycycline or perhaps something sulfa based. Baytril is the "big guns" so to speak so to go directly to that is kinda bad, you have nothing else to step up to after that!

What kind of bedding are you using?