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Rat Lice/Mites, Weak

21 17:30:21

I think my rat has some pests living with her...she started getting weak and is acting dizzy like she can't stand properly and kinda falls around. This happened once before and before I could take her to the vet, she was perfectly normal again. Well it has come back, and the past few days I have noticed that she is going bald on her back above her tail. Am I able to buy a treatment without going to a vet? I've recently moved and there aren't any rat-familiar vets in this area.

Also, I've read that the mites/lice can't affect other species? I have two dogs and a cat that I'm worried about.

Where do these things come from? If I treat my rat and clean the surroundings, how likely is it to just come back?

Sorry for so many questions, but after a Google search, I couldn't find a whole lot of specific information other than different opinions on what treatments to use. The help is greatly appreciated!

Hi Stacy

THe info you read on mites or lice being species specific are correct. However, do you notice her itching and scratching?  

The dizziness is not from external parasites. Sounds like she may have an inner ear infection.  The pressure from the inflammation in the inner ear causes them to lose balance due to their equilibrium being off. When this occurs it is because there is pressure on the 8th cranial nerve which controls equilibrium.  This would cause falling over and loss of balance.

Is she eating ok?  
What is her diet? Sometimes improper diet can result in hair loss or thinning and the pet stores dont help much because they push their lousy seed mixes that they sell with peanuts and corn in it that is total junk for rats.  A rat that eats this type of food often doesnt live much past 2 years old due to kidney disease from high protein.
I am not sure about your little ones diet but if you need to check out more about it check out my website here:

Regardless, there is nothing over the counter to help.  She needs a good vet (which I can find for you) and she needs strong antibiotics and steroids to recover from this.

Let me know your location and I can give you some names, no obligation of course, of vets that see rats, which are exotic vets or general vets that have a special interest in exotics and have taken extra outside courses in exotics and care of small mammals. I have a database (several of them) even for the UK and other parts of the world.   Let me know so we can find her some help.