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3 week old Rats

21 17:42:45

I just purchased two-3week old rats, the woman said the male got in with their mom and she dumped 17 more babys on top of the 10 she already had.
My Question: She sold me these very reasonable but do I need a bottle? or what kind of soft feed do I need? or what are your suggestions to raising them one is male (very much a runt) and the other a female robust and healthy) I gave them water in a cup they didn't know how to drink from the cage bottle.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I already feel attached to them, they depend on me for everything.
I do know in a week to seperate them in different cages.

Hi Lawrence

That is strange the mother rat did not teach the pups to drink from then nipple on the bottle.  You can coax them by making sure they can reach it for starters, and put a dab of jelly on the tip (make sure it doesnt clog the hole though) and they will start to lick the jelly and the water should start to come out. Keep the water in the dish just till your sure they are using the hanging bottle. As for food, you dont really need to make them soft food, but if your using lab blocks, you can wet them down with warm water and they will soften up some. Be sure NOT to buy any of the lousy rat seed mixes sold at pet stores and instead, check out my website on proper diets for rats. You may already be ahead of me on that but this is just in case:)
Are you going to be spaying the girl or neutering the male so you can put them back with each other later or are you going to get them each a cagemate?  Just a suggestion, but I would spay the girl (around 4 months of age) to prevent mammary tumors that she  has at least a 75% chance of getting later in life, plus spaying would of course allow her to be with her just seems so far away though to wait since she is just 3 weeks old.

Anyhow, here is the URL to my website.  Hope it works out with the bottle....let me know how it goes.